Volunteer at the Comprehensive Family Resource Center

Important Message about COVID-19 VIRUS

All Volunteers, please read:

Central Union Mission is sensitive to and carefully monitoring the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in our region. Our top priority is the safety and well-being of our partners, staff, volunteers and the communities we serve.

At this time, Central Union Mission is following the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and local health agencies and will make all necessary and timely changes based on their updated information.

To that end, all Central Union Mission organized in-person volunteer events are cancelled until further notice. This cancellation will cover all volunteer activity at our:

  • Men’s Emergency Shelter, 65 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20001
  • Comprehensive Family Resource Center, 3194B Bladensburg Rd., NE, Washington, DC 20018
  • Camp Bennett Christian Ministry Center, 20501 Georgia Ave. Brookeville, MD 20833,

We remain open and are serving neighbors experiencing homelessness and low-income citizens in the Washington Metropolitan area while maintaining strict protocols to protect folks from Covid-19 and other illnesses, such as the standard flu.

We continue to provide overnight shelter, meals, groceries for families and a variety of other services.

We are being diligent while also remaining calm. We have full faith and hope in God for the outcome of this situation.

Contact Marc O’Brien at mobrien@missiondc.org if you have any questions or require additional information.

We appreciate your continued support for our work at Central Union Mission!

Central Union Mission’s Comprehensive Family Resource Center(CFRC) is a refuge in northeast DC for needy families and underemployed parents struggling to make ends meet, isolated seniors and hungry children. Food and clothes distributed by the CFRC make a direct impact on the lives of struggling neighbors. There are so many ways you, friends and loved ones can participate in activities sponsored by our CFRC.

The Comprehensive Family Resource Center is located at 3194, Suite B, Bladensburg Rd. NE, Washington, DC 20018.

To participate, register and join us for a number of opportunities such as:

  • Donation Preparation
  • Clothing Assistant
  • Clothing Room Organization
  • Greeter/Assistant
  • Pantry Organizer
  • Administrative Support (Spanish)

Once you register, check the calendar for opportunities or contact Marc O’Brien, mobrien@missiondc.org



Your Gift of $115 helps 60 people


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