Mission Accomplished Protein SnackPAKs

At the Mission, we tirelessly work to meet the needs of at-risk, vulnerable people at our Men’s Emergency Shelter, Comprehensive Family Resource Center and Mission:  NOVA.  Quite often, all three facilities greet individuals whose first remark is, “I’m hungry, right now, can you help me?”

With your help, providing a healthy snack will make a huge difference to so many.  We’d like to introduce,

Mission Accomplished Protein SnackPAKs.

Easy-open protein items that will provide a great food source for our visitors. The PAKs are easy to assemble and make a great project for a group.  To compose the PAKs, just start with a quart-size re-sealable plastic sandwich bag.  Volunteers consult the list below and choose items to include.  [Guests often find it most helpful when snack packs contain a mix of no-chew (e.g. applesauce, pudding) and chewy items to accommodate all levels of dental health]. You are free to place an encouraging note/verse in each pack and any combination of all/some of the following:


Protein SnackPAKs composition:

  • One no-chew item:  applesauce, pudding, custard, Jello or mousse pouch or cup
  • One meat-based protein source:   Snack size meat stick (or meat/cheese), jerky, fish in a pouch, Bumble Bee snacks on the run, Vienna sausages, individual serving tuna or chicken with pop-top lid
  • One granola, protein or energy bar
  • One other snack:  peanut/sun butter or cheese crackers, nuts/seeds, dried fruit, trail mix
  • One small boxed/bottled juice
  • Napkin/hand sanitizer wipe
  • Packaged plastic cutlery


If any/all Protein SnackPaks you create contain nuts/nut by-products, please label.

Thank you for your compassion and commitment to helping our at-risk neighbors.

For more information, contact Marc OBrien at mobrien@missiondc.org.



Your Gift of $115 helps 60 people


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