Central Union Mission is a faith-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and the oldest private social service agency in Washington, DC. For over 135 years we have continued our Christ-inspired “ministry of rescue” to our neighbors on the streets, which began with serving poor and homeless men and families in the years following the Civil War. We have been changing lives ever since.

Today, our impact is even greater, including:

  • Providing 3 million meals and over 62,000 bed-nights of shelter per year
  • Thousands of counseling sessions, as well as health and dental treatments
  • AA, NA and Celebrate Recovery programs to address addictions
  • Spiritual discipleship
  • Transitional housing
  • Food distribution and outreach to low-income families, including single moms serving over 4,000 people each month
  • Education and job training to help ensure long-term success of our beneficiaries
  • Helping homeless veterans
  • Providing a summer camp experience to children from low-income families

It is only through the kindness of our many friends and partners that Central Union Mission is able to provide food and shelter to people experiencing homelessness, help more individuals permanently overcome homelessness and addictions, deliver job training, and help low-income families and veterans with services they desperately need.

Thank you so much for your compassion. 



Your Gift of $115 helps 60 people


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