Central Union Mission Naming Opportunities

Our Work

Homelessness and poverty are among the most painful and challenging issues facing our community today. The destructive hardship, hunger and hopelessness faced by the broken and vulnerable men, women and children in our city is profound. Regrettably, Washington, DC, has one of the highest rates of homelessness in the nation.

For more than 135 years, Central Union Mission has been a leader in serving people experiencing homelessness and poverty in Washington, DC. Compelled by our Christian faith, the Mission was initially founded with the goal of serving homeless veterans of the Civil War. Over time, our work has grown substantially to serve men, women and children in need in our nation’s capital. Today, we remain 100 percent privately-funded and operate four facilities that provide a world-class platform to achieve long-term, sustainable and systemic change in the lives of the people we serve, while daily meeting the immediate needs of the chronically homeless and those at-risk of homelessness and poverty.

  • Men’s Shelter: Feeds and shelters 170-200 men per day (more than 60,000 bed-nights per year) and offers comprehensive in-house services, including: medical, dental and psychiatric care; addiction recovery; veteran’s support; spiritual direction; vocational training; education; employment placement; legal support and social services.
  • Comprehensive Family Resource Center: Provides food and clothing to approximately 4000 people per month (families, including many single mothers, grandparent care-givers and isolated senior citizens).  We distribute groceries that provide over three million meals each year, computer training, legal aid, Alcoholics Anonymous, ESOL classes, Bible studies, life skills classes, services for senior citizens, parenting classes, baby showers, Christmas gifts, Thanksgiving supplies and more.
  • Lambert House:  Provides transitional housing for up to 24 people. Men who are on the road to recovery are offered an opportunity to live in a safe, clean and respectful environment where they can leave behind their former lifestyles and continue to transform their lives to become productive citizens and reconnect to their respective families and communities.
  • Camp Bennett:  Provides a full summer camp experience every year for nearly 400 youth who live in poverty. For many, this is their first time attending sleepaway camp and is an escape from the city and the limited opportunities and negative influences prevalent in their neighborhoods.  The camp’s gymnasium also supports local boys and girls club activities each week.


We need your partnership!

Central Union Mission needs the support of partners like you to continue providing shelter and critical services for the homeless and needy. These Naming Opportunities offer supporters various opportunities to make Named Gifts to demonstrate their concern for those in need, to honor a special individual or to memorialize a loved one.

Your gift of love will be recognized with an attractive inscription displayed in a prominent area. This recognition will serve as a lasting testament of your selfless compassion and generosity toward neighbors experiencing homelessness and people in need.

Naming Opportunity Number Available Location Price
Shelter Facility (bldg.) 1 Men’s Shelter $5 million
Mission Plaza Courtyard 1 Men’s Shelter $25,000
Social Work Center 1 Men’s Shelter $25,000
Legal Aid Center 2 Men’s Shelter $25,000
Skylight Lounge 1 Men’s Shelter $20,000
Dormitory 6 Men’s Shelter $100,000
Dormitory Bed 170 Men’s Shelter $1,000
Suite 6 Men’s Shelter $25,000
Lounge 2 Men’s Shelter $15,000
Classroom 1 Men’s Shelter $50,000
Workforce & Education Suite 1 Men’s Shelter $50,000
Chapel 2 (2 of 4) Men’s Shelter $50,000 x 4
Dining Hall 1 Men’s Shelter $200,000
Dayroom 2 Men’s Shelter $50,000
Intake Gateway (reception) 1 Men’s Shelter $50,000
Chaplain Room 2 Men’s Shelter $25,000
Kitchen 1 Men’s Shelter $100,000
Handicap Entrance 1 Men’s Shelter $15,000
Bakery 1 Men’s Shelter $50,000
Laundry Facility 1 Men’s Shelter $30,000
Clothing Store 1 Men’s Shelter $30,000
Food Pantry 1 Men’s Shelter $40,000
Psychiatric Help Clinic 1 Men’s Shelter $50,000
Lambert House Apartment 6 Lambert House $25,000
Camp Bennett Cafeteria 1 Camp Bennett $50,000
Camp Bennett Gym 1 Camp Bennett $500,000
Camp Bennett Pool 1 Camp Bennett $50,000
Mission Truck 5 Misc. $25,000
Mission Bus 1 Misc. $50,000
RTP Man Sponsorship 20+ Men’s Shelter $5,000


To donate by mail, please make checks payable to Central Union Mission and mail to the contributions mailing address: P.O Box 96763, Washington, DC 20090-6763.

Thank you for your support. For additional information, contact Joseph Mettimano, President & CEO at 202-745-7118 or via email at jmettimano@missiondc.org



Your Gift of $115 helps 60 people


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