Renewing hope, restoring family relationships and returning once-broken men to productive lives. For more information about the available programs, download the Men’s Ministry Brochure.
Hope starts with a hot meal, a warm shower, fresh clean clothing, a safe bed and a hearty breakfast, all wrapped with the Gospel message of hope.
Our residential rehabilitation program frees men from addiction by establishing an active relationship with Jesus Christ.
Nearly 10 percent of those we serve at the Mission are homeless and low-income veterans. We are committed to meeting their special needs.
The Fresh Start program provides a customized plan to assist a man at the shelter who may have short- term, specific needs.
Central Union Mission partners with other organizations such as the Veterans Substance Abuse and Recovery Program (SARP) and So Others Might Eat (SOME) to benefit the homeless men of the District.
The Special Circumstances Program assists those who don’t qualify for other Mission programs but are in need of short-term shelter.