Contact: Deborah Chambers
VP, Development and Partnerships
Cell: 202-534-9965
As Inflation Rises, The Mission Prepares to Serve Many More This Thanksgiving
Central Union Mission will serve their annual Thanksgiving feast on Thursday, November 24, to homeless guests and community members who are in need during these challenging economic times.
For most households, the average Thanksgiving dinner will cost 20 percent more than last year, and 36 percent more than what it cost in 2020. With price increases on necessities like gas and groceries, consumers all over the United States are feeling the pressure of the current economic climate. This holiday marks the beginning of a season that adds stress to households who find it difficult to afford food on a day-to-day basis.
The Mission will open its doors to the community and serve a full Thanksgiving meal to the homeless and those who otherwise would not be able to afford a meal on Thanksgiving. In addition to the donors and sponsors who contributed to the day’s event, over 40 volunteers will be on-site to decorate the facility and to host and serve the meal.
Thursday, November 24, 2022
10:45 am – Join us live as our volunteers set up for Thanksgiving Day
12:00 – Thanksgiving lunch will be served
4:00 pm – Thanksgiving dinner will be served
Central Union Mission Men’s Shelter, 65 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC 20001
Central Union Mission residents and community members
According to Mission President & CEO Joe Mettimano, “Our homeless brothers and sisters aren’t the only ones who are feeling it this time around. Those who live below the poverty line, and those who live paycheck to paycheck without money to spare, are all affected by the rising cost of food. I’m grateful that Central Union Mission will provide a traditional Thanksgiving meal with all the fixings for those who had nowhere else to turn today.
- Mission resident interviews, 11:00 am to 12:00 pm
- Joseph J. Mettimano, President & CEO, Central Union Mission, 11:00 am to 12:00 pm
Media is invited to attend. RSVP requested. Please contact Rev. Deborah Chambers, VP, Development & Partnerships, at 202-534-9965 or dchambers@missiondc.org for information.
About Central Union Mission:
Central Union Mission is a faith-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and the oldest private social service agency in Washington, DC. In addition to its emergency shelter, which provides more than 60,000 bed-nights each year, the Mission operates holistic, Christ-centered transformation and workforce development programs for men, provides benefits for veterans, helps people overcome addictions, operates a food and clothing distribution center which provides food for over 4,000 people each month, runs a camp for underprivileged children, and offers a ministry to families and senior citizens. Charity Navigator has rated Central Union Mission a three-star charity, Candid awarded Central Union Mission a Gold Seal for our financial transparency and GreatNonProfits has given Central Union Mission a Top-Rated award.

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