Gregory couldn’t believe it. Just like that, he became homeless. “I was caring for my ex-wife and living in her home. But when the government seized her house, I was forced to leave,” says Gregory. The home had belonged to their family for 50 years. Gregory’s children were raised there. Losing it felt like losing a legacy. “I felt like I had been
robbed,” he says.
Angry and alone, Gregory began looking for any option that wouldn’t end in struggling on the streets. “I came across the Mission,” he says. “When I walked through the doors, they didn’t talk down to me.”
“I began to recognize that maybe, just maybe, a catastrophic event could turn into a blessing.”
Because you give, Gregory’s story doesn’t end with homelessness. He’s completed the Fresh Start program and is now participating in the workforce development program—hands-on training that moves men toward self
sufficiency and purposeful employment.
“The Mission, without question, has made me a better man than I ever hoped to be,” says Gregory. “And I still
feel myself scaling upward to be even better.” Through discipleship programs and a strong community of men, Gregory has developed patience, endurance, structure, communication skills, life skills and a deep understanding of Scripture.
“The Bible is full of life skills that I’m applying to my life,” Gregory says. “I’ve entered a peace, joy and love that I’ve never felt before in my life. I’m free from my past sins. And I now know I can’t do anything without
the power of the Holy Spirit.”
Gregory is taking steps toward securing his own housing. His dream? To build a beautiful legacy. “I want to put my family back together,” says Gregory. “I want them to be strong.” Without the Mission—without your generosity—
Gregory says his life would be “completely chaotic.” But because you give and pray, Gregory will walk out
of the Mission’s doors forever changed.